
Oops I blogged my pants

I just can't help myself today! I am too excited about the garden to not do two posts. Today has also been pretty momentous. Not only was it my tallest friend's birthday (diorama gift pictured above) today but I also got to see Hot Dog lady molest someone! On our walk back from the Pearl St. Diner Hot Dog lady, looking as elegant as one can in an azure Quaker Oats Hoodie, shuffled up to a delivery guy unlocking his bike. With one last puff of her stubby little cigarette, she lifted her hands and BEGAN TO STROKE THE DELIVERY MAN'S PONYTAIL. I shit you not, she actually starting petting him and pulling on it. I thank the Hot Dog gods that I was not alone to witness this because it was too good to be true. Her biggest supporters were with me (thank you Chul, Claire, AVH, Kerri, and Jen for not making a scene and letting this play out).

So go ahead and judge Hot Dog lady all you want but I will defend her decision. The man's hair was oil slick black and looked smoother than a baby's bottom. Unless she thought it was a really burned hot dog and was trying to eat the guy. In that case, BAD HOT DOG LADY!

MORE PICTURES YIPPEEE (notice the change in the zucchini plant already - it has 3 more flowers than it did on Sunday!)

Zucchini Sunday, 6/6/10:

Zucchini Thursday, 6/10/10:

Here are some more views of the deck this morning:

"This mint is squirrel proof" - Serena after attacking the bush like a vodka soaked squirrel


1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing that monitoring your precious plants' development is a little like watching your children grow up right before your eyes. Except in this case, you ultimately end up eating your children with lettuce and balsamic vinegar.
